June 2010                                            Page 2

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June 16 - Sower pictures

Took a trip to a Dutch market









These are the people working with us this few weeks:





June 21 - HaHaTonka State Park


Remnants of an exquisite structure which burned down some time ago.








Where we were parked this month



June 22 - the Lake at NTM


  What is left of the site where the building was torn down.







June 26 - Trip to Bass Pro Springfield


On leaving NTM, we headed south to the Bransin Area where we stayed for a week.  Did some visiting in the area.













June 28 - Silver Dollar City  Day 1








They tricked Patty into going on this ride:


















June 29 - silver Dollar City Day 2


   This is where 2 of us were parked in Branson.












Saw several shows in Branson, ate out a lot, geerally had lots of fun...


June 30 COE campground

Back to being solo again.  We stopped for the day and night at a COE campground, once the site o a city at the turn of the century.  You can still see the street locations in the campground.








so much for June, next page July.


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